The Appraisal Equity Task Force is committed to establishing the leadership and policies to address the decades of undervaluation that has hindered wealth attainment in non-white communities. Historically redlined communities in Chicago have been systemically denied access to insurance, fair financing, and banking services which, in concert with biased appraisals, have resulted in a loss of household and community wealth and spending power. Our work is addressing improvements to protect consumers, reform of the appraisal system, and reparations for impacted neighborhoods and residents.
We are collecting experiences of homeowners and homebuyers with low appraisals. Consider sharing your situation with us and Take our Appraisal Incident Survey
Information for Consumers, Homebuyers, Homeowners
Appraisal Process Explainer
Consumer Complaints
Policy Information
National Policy Webinars discussing discrimination impacting home valuation:

Campaign Members
Chicago Rehab Network, CoConvener
NHS of Chicago, CoConvener
Claretian Associates
Chicago Community Loan Fund
Communities United
Housing Action Illinois
Lawndale Christian Development Corporation
Southwest Organizing Project
The Renaissance Collaborative
The Resurrection Project
Woodstock Institute