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Welcome to CRN's Preservation Database Query Builder!

CRN's Section 8 Preservation Initiative includes research, public education, advocacy and technical assistance to prevent the loss of existing affordable housing stock.

Building on that success, the Chicago Rehab Network presents the Preservation Database Query Builder, which allows registered users to track Section 8 properties throughout Illinois, including expiration date and status of contracts.

The online tool is free.  Registration is easy and includes access to other CRN services, such as the Affordable Housing Factbook.

Access the Preservation Query Builder now.




For more than a decade, Cook County’s supply of affordable rental housing has been shrinking.  This multibillion-dollar asset plays a central role in the region’s $320 billion economy and is as critical to its infrastructure as highways, transit systems, schools, and industrial parks.Guided by the Urban Land Institute and supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Preservation Compact brings together leaders from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to reverse the downward trend in Cook County’s affordable rental housing supply.

To achieve this ambitious goal, the Compact has launched a comprehensive Rental Housing Action Plan for Cook County, which includes six Keystone Initiatives designed to preserve and improve 75,000 existing affordable rental homes by 2020 that might otherwise be lost to condominium conversion, demolition, or rising costs.Rich Hanson, Mesa Development, LLC and Julia Stasch, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, are co-chairs of the Preservation Compact.  Christine Kolb, Director of Community Outreach for ULI Chicago, is coordinating activities for The Preservation Compact and can be reached at 773-549-2655 or

Learn about the Keystones.

Read Report on Rental Housing in Cook County.

Compact overview Preserve, Rebuild, Renew here.


Information for OWNERS of Federally Assisted Properties

Notice Requirements

In addition to HUD's notice requirements, both the State of Illinois and City of Chicago have notice requirements which are triggered when affordability restrictions are to be severed.

HUD Tenant Rights and Regulations and Right to Organize Notice

HUD Section 8 Policy Guidebook Guidelines - version amended 2/2008

Preservation resources and tools

South Side Preservation Summit - June 2006

Preservation Toolkit - 2004